
Post Ad
Listing Id: 17741 Last Refreshed: 01/12/2019 Total Views: 1725

Business Proposition For Singapore Investors

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Budget: Price On Request


  • Location Singapore
  • Industry Food and Beverage, Health Care and Fitness, Wholesale and Distribution
  • Premise Type N/A
  • Premise Size

Business Details

Greetings from Puronize Purifiers!
Puronize Purifiers is an Indian based company dealing with Water Ionizers that are imported from Japan. Puronize is working towards excellence in the Health & Wellness products space and believes in pursuing business through innovation and technology.
Puronize is one of the leading water Ionizer companies in the world, and our customers include a wide array of celebrities, professional athletes, medical doctors, and health-conscious customers from all walks of life.
We are expanding our sales operations across the globe through D&D Model (Distributorship & Dealership).
For which, we are seeking connects with Investors who can be our Distribution Partners for Singapore, to help us achieve our vision of spreading to nuke & cranny, and create that positive difference in the lifestyles of the global population through our products.
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